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 About Polytron Lubricants 

Polytron is state of the art line of lubricants that has been used for several years now in many industrial, racing and military applications. Why are Polytron products superior to the other products on the market?

Conventional lubricants are based upon maintaining high strength and thickness of oil film, or on introducing an EP (Extreme Pressure) protective deposit between moving mating surfaces to resist failure resulting in scoring, seizure or accelerated wear.


When observing mating friction surfaces under high magnification one can see that they are actually full of "mountains" and "valleys". These "mountains" penetrate the oil-film between the mating friction surfaces, and collide with each other. These collisions in the micro level translates into "friction" in the macro-level. Some of these collisions result in metal particles breaking away from the colliding "mountains". The breaking away metal particles in the micro-level are what we see as "wear" process in the macro-level.


When Polytron is applied, under heat and pressure generated by friction, some of its elements impregnate metallurgically the crystal structure of the metal itself at its mating friction surfaces. As a result of the metallurgical process, a very thin layer of the original metal is converted into a new significantly harder metal that has a wear-life at least 100 times longer than the original. This newly formed layer of metal protects the original "softer" metal beneath it from any wear.


Since the protective layer is very thin, it is as flexible as a very thin sheet metal. Although during collisions the protective layer does not allow metal particles to break away, its flexibility allows the metal underneath to be pushed horizontally by the horizontal force generated by collisions. Thus the metal on the "mountains" is "pushed" into the "valleys" flattening out the friction surface, resulting in smooth polished-like surface that has a much lower friction coefficient.


This advanced technology that allows the original rough friction surfaces to be transformed into hard, smooth polished-like surfaces is one of the main characteristics that makes Polytron so different from other lubricants on the market today. 


Why choose Polytron?

In passenger cars, light and heavy-duty trucks, boats, yachts and heavy-duty marine vessels Polytron lubricants:


Eliminate up to 99% of engine wear.

Reduce engine operating temperature and noise level.

Eliminate any build-up and keep engine completely clean.

In the event of oil or coolant loss, engine is protected for
tens of miles under any driving conditions.

Restore compression (the compression may go up even in new cars).

Contribute to much cleaner emission gases.

Their performance does not deteriorate in severe operating conditions of dust, dirt and moisture.

Extend oil change intervals and oil filters life 4 to 7 times.

Contribute to considerable fuel and oil economy.

Up to 65% reduction in maintenance cost.

Same outstanding results, when used in transmissions,
power-steering, differentials, etc.


In Industrial and Commercial Applications Polytron lubricants:


Eliminate up to 99% of equipment wear.

Reduce equipment operating temperature and noise level.

Equipment is protected in wider range of temperatures.

Eliminate any build-up and keep equipment completely clean.

In the event of lubricant loss, equipment is protected for a considerable time under any working conditions.

Their performance does not deteriorate in severe operating conditions of dust, dirt and moisture.

May extend Maintenance Intervals 4 to 7 times.

Contribute to considerable savings in energy and lubricants consumption.  

Up to 65% reduction in maintenance cost.


There are no other products on the market today that can squeeze out of engines and any equipment the best possible performance, the longest service life, the lowest downtime and the highest productivity and cost effectiveness ever, like Polytron products can.
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