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Fresh engine oil is a clear, free-flowing liquid blend of base stock and
additives that contains no fuel, water, coolant, dirt, or other

When regular engine oil changes are neglected, normally free-flowing lubricating oil breaks down, becomes contaminated, ceases to flow, and is transformed into a thick soup of waste products. That’s when serious engine damage is imminent.

Why does engine oil break down, combine with contaminants, and form sludge deposits? Chemistry teaches that engine oil is unstable and decomposes in the presence of oxygen at high temperature. The process, called oxidation, occurs naturally after exposure to normal operating conditions for extended periods of time and is accelerated by exposure to severe operating conditions or to excessively high temperatures. Alternatively, accelerated oxidation may be triggered by a combination of any or all of these factors.

During oxidation, the chemical bonds that define the oil molecules are broken, and some of the reaction products accumulate and interact to form a highly viscous complex mixture of solids, liquids, and gases that contain a variety of solid carbon-based dirt and metallic particles, as well as liquid coolant, fuel, oil and water droplets.


There are many companies that are using Molybdenum Disulfide additive.
It is a fine powder that is put in the oil, and since it is super fine, it may float in the oil quite a while until it settles. The problem is that, it does not mix with oil, it remains in a form of powder particles. When eventually it settles, it separates from the oil, and the same thing happens in the engine, and if combined with carbon deposits, the resulting deposits are much harder and are much more detrimental to engine parts and filters. As far as positive effect, when hitting the friction surfaces, under friction, it creates coating that covers the friction surfaces, slowing down the wear process and reducing the friction.


Polytron MTC on the other hand penetrates the crystal structure of the metal on friction surfaces, and converts 2 to 3 micron thick layer of metal into at least 10 times harder metal, extending its service life at least 10 times. Polytron MTC mixes with oil homogeneously, and remains part of the oil indefinitely, with no negative side effects whatsoever. On the contrary, Polytron MTC cleans the engine parts from any carbon deposits and extends service life of oil 4 to 7 times. In addition Polytron MTC performs anti-friction and anti-wear functions at least 5 times better than Molybdenum Disulfide. So you can sleep well and not worry about these additives.

Engine Sludge Origin  

Molybdenum Disulfide Additives
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